by David Dunham
This section features reader responses to Ambrosia's software &service. We will include the good with the bad, and address any problems brought to our attention. These are real people writing real letters about real issues. Feel free to drop us a line.
Worked like a charm. Thanx, I owe you one. Want a free Frank Black CD?H@#l yeah, I used to love the Pixies.
The Pixies were one of my very favorite bands when I lived in LA. I still listen to Surfer Rosa, you should check it out....Their lead singer is Frank Black (no not the morose, pretentious pontificator on Millenium).
The writer of the email is the manager of Frank Black, and the Pixies. He was kind enough to send some CDs, both Frank Black and the Pixies. He even included Pistolero, Frank Black's new CD which is going to be released later this month. (It was so raw, they didn't even have cover art yet!) I highly recommend this CD, it's rockin, both challenging and interesting. It'll remind some of us what "alternative" music really means, or at least what it used to mean.
Hey. This game is the BOMB!!! EVERYONE at my work plays this game 24/7. I work at an ISP and we are all avid PC users but got hooked on MR after getting an IMAC down here. I think besides this game being awesome is the fact that it gets SOOOOOO competitive down here. I mean, the high score is like being king. We at first only had the demo and we would compete like hell on those first 4 levels I think the highest through 4 was 356,000 and now we got it regisitered and our high score is a little over 3 million? What is the highest record score? Thanks.Hee hee love that. When MR was in testing, we were all going for bragging rights. I don't think I got a lick of work done for about 3-4 weeks. We didn't hav a high score contest with this one, but the highest in office score is held by Matt Slot, programmer here at Ambrosia, with a little over 4 million. The highest score I've verified myself is held by the artist for Bubble Trouble, Marc Conge at over 5 and a half million. He still hasn't beaten it yet though.
Some of you guys may have heard of me, I'm a regular on the EV/O discussion boards and IRC chat. Anyway, my idea is this: might there be a way to get Apple to include a shareware copy of EVO and/or EV on iMacs as standard issue? Wouldn't that rock? It would truly give the Mac Shareware Games industry a boost. Only problem would be more newbies on the boards for me to tell how to kill the dreadnaught. Oh well. . . =)P.S. feel free to include this in kudos and Criticism if you want.
Believe me Jason Whong, our marketing director has been beating on every door at Apple trying to get our games bundled on the iMac. Their answer, polygons, we want polygons...anyway, maybe we'll put this on the K&C page just to get a little buzz going.
Well there it is. K&C for this month. If you have a favorite Ambrosia game, tell us why it's your favorite. If there's something that drives you nuts about one of our products, drop me a line.